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Moncolie Knights - Two Pegasus, and a Harpy boy!
Source: TV
Layers: 1
Sketches: 2
Standard size

No Background

Added 2/26/2007
I've had the honor of seeing two episodes of this series when it was aired ages ago in the US - I can't remember much about it, other than that everyone was a fruit. XD

I've seen MK Pegasus cels around, but they always go up higher then I'd like - when I saw this one, I knew I had to get it - If not for the lovely Pegasus, for the chibi!one, and the harpy man. XD
Three awesome mystical creatures in one great cel!

With the matching background!!

It also came with two matching sketches - a douga, and a layout, which I don't remember being specified in the auction. :3

The cel, background, and sketches are all stapled together - the cel on the front of the background, and the sketches on the back.

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Curator: PegasusxCroquet
Gallery Created: 2/12/2004
Hits: 38999

Presentation 8.16/10   Collection 8.44/10   Overall 8.33/10   Votes 29 votes
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