Isono genga!! ^_^
Source: TV
Layers: 1
Sketches: 1
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Added 8/7/2005
A b-day gift from my good buddy Linake! ^_^ ( check out her awesome gallery! >>; ^^; ) I'm sooo happy to have this sketch of Isono- it's hard to find any genga of him, due to the fact that he's not that popular of a character... >>; From episode 142, part of cut 304. [ I know this, because our local S. Wolfie (saiyanwolf here on RS- look her up! ) has the rough layout...XD ] You can also see one of Jou's mouth sequences floating on Isono's left. [ Well, it would be on the right, to Isono. O_o; lol ] Thanks again, Linake-san! X3 *Pets Isono's crazily confusing hair* ^^