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8/15/2007*Gags on the noxious gas of her rotting webpage* I took some categories temporarily off, and am messing around with the site colors again~ I also have a few pages of genga to scan in, but due to going through, oh, about 3 scanners in the last year, I still haven't figured out how to make it not...destroy the image being scanned. >3>
2/26/2007And here we have a looonnggg overdue update! I've added a lovely cel to the misc/unknown section, a Battle city genga to the YGO 'Humans' section, and a bit of yaoi to the Y/H fanart section. :3 Expect a new Pegasus genga cut in a little bit! I have it all scanned, so if I don't get to uploading it tonight, I'll have it up by tomorrow. ^^
2/12/2004Pegasus' Sanctuary now open.

Gallery Contents
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Title Last Updated
*Unknown and Miscellaneous* (1) 2/26/2007
~Anime Backgrounds~ (3) 4/3/2005
Cels - Card Captor Sakura (2) 11/12/2005
Cels and Sketches - Inu Yasha (4) 5/20/2006
Doma Ark Settei (22) 8/4/2005
Duelist Kingdom Opening Genga/Settei Copies? (4) 4/3/2005
Duelist Kingdom Settei - Pegasus and I2 personnel (22) 5/11/2005
Duelist Kingdom Settei - 'Scenery' (25) 3/26/2005
Duelist Kingdom Settiei - Player Killers (12) 4/8/2005
Fullmetal Alchemist: Genga and Douga (1) 7/11/2006
Various Seasons YGO Settei - Duel Monsters (100) 4/9/2005
Various Seasons YGO Settei - Height Comaprasons (10) 3/19/2005
Various Seasons YGO Settei - Kaiba Corp. Personnel (18) 7/23/2005
Various Seasons YGO Settei - Minor Characters (42) 8/3/2005
Various Seasons YGO Settei - Objects and Whatnot (30) 8/6/2005
Various Seasons YGO Settei- Yuugi and Co. (19) 7/23/2005
Yuugiou Duel Monsters Genga/Douga - Duel Monsters (10) 3/11/2005
Yuugiou Duel Monsters Genga/Douga - Humans (14) 2/26/2007
Yuugiou Episode 149, Genga Cut 90 (20) 11/6/2004
Yuugiou Episode 149, Genga Cuts 132, 134 (5) 3/1/2007
Yuugiou Episode 149, Genga cuts 141,153,158 (32) 8/25/2004
Yuugiou Episode 149, Genga Cuts 149, 151 (13) 4/9/2005

Curator: PegasusxCroquet
Gallery Created: 2/12/2004
Hits: 38999

Presentation 8.16/10   Collection 8.44/10   Overall 8.33/10   Votes 29 votes
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